2013 - Year 3

December 18, 2013 - 2nd Annual Monty Carlo Holiday Party

Its nearly that time of the year again.

We are looking for a big sponsor or several moderate sponsors to fund out 2nd Monte Carlo Holiday Party. This year is going to be even bigger than last year. We have more members, the economy is improving and well...we know more about putting together these parties. Music, drinks, food, gambling and good friends.

You can help, here is how:

Sponsor this event with your manufacturers.

Organize and promote the event.

Donate good gifts, new TV's, GPS's, Blue Ray Players, Gift Cards, etc.

Volunteer to help out.

This year we are going to have a great time. If you RSVP early and we see a big turnout we will add an additional table. The RSVP will be open by October 1st. If you were at the last event you recall the fun. Lets make this one even bigger.

Free to ASPE LI members, Guests $50 per person.

July 31, 2013 - Long Island presents 50 @ 50 Membership Campaign

ASPE Long Island has launched our 50@50 membership campaign. The Long Island Chapter is on a mission and that mission is to reach 50-members by the Socitey's 50th anniversary which will be celebrated at the Convention and Exposition in Chicago in September 2014.

We are asking all members to search their rolodex (some of you still have these), contact list, outlook, phone book, phone list or anywhere else they can find potential members who could benefit from and contribute to our society.

At the bottom of this page is a link to a form that you can add contact information for prospective candidates. Our VP of Membership will follow-up with each candidate and see if we can get them to sign-on.

Achieving this goal puts our chapter on par with the Rochester and Miami chapters. As of today, the Long Island Chapter is ranked 53 out of 62; reaching this goal would rank us at 46.

Lets achieve this goal as a chapter!

July 31, 2013 - BOD Installation and 1st Seminar

Board of Directors (BOD) Installation & Ethics Seminar

The Long Island Chapter of ASPE conducted its first two (2) hour ethics seminar at Wales Darby in Islandia, NY on Wednesday July 31, 2013. CEU's will be provided for this event via ASPE. Marty McMorrow presented the seminar on ethics to nearly 33 guests and members. Marty did a great job with the topic and engaged the audience during the seminar.

Ethics has been a part of professional engineering for a very long time. Marty put it into prospective that doctors that make mistakes injure or kill one or a few people, but engineers who make mistakes have the potential to hurt 100's or 1,000's of people if a bridge or building is structurally unsound. Its incumbent upon all of us not to taint the profession; vigilance should be one of our highest concerns for the welfare of the public which is our charge. Not only does the public need be safe in our engineered environments but they also must trust in our work which is why we must be held to the highest standard.

ASPE has adopted ethical standards which was reviewed at the seminar. Those standards can be found on the Society website.

Special thanks to Wales Darby for sponsoring the event at their Islandia training facility and Nelson & Pope for sponsoring food and refreshments to our guests and members.

The evening was a success because of all those who participated, our sponsors, our members and the Society for providing CEU's. The topic was not only interesting but it's now required that professional engineers complete 1 CEU on ethics during each registration period.

Chapter business also included the installation of the incoming Board of Directors. Jon Ross a charter member, chapter founder and former treasurer of the Long Island chapter did the honors of installing the new board of directors. Jon now serves as the Vice President of Membership for the New York City chapter. Thanks Jon, you are and always be a valued member and guest of this chapter.

President: Vincent Falkowski, PE, PMP, CCM

Vice President Technical: Edwin Hopkins, PE, LEED AP

Vice President Legislative: Paul Freeman, PE, LEED AP

Vice President Membership: Jay D'Agostino

Treasurer/Newsletter Editor: Scott Maly

Administrative Secretary: Edwin Frianeza Deguzman, PE

Corresponding Secretary: Adrian Cavanagh, PE

Chapter Affiliate Liaison: Heath Aron Bikles

(From Left-to-right: Jon Ross, Ed Deguzman, Paul Freeman, Vinny Falkowski, Ed Hopkins, Jay D'Agostino, Scott Maly, Heath Bikles)

July 1, 2013 - Long Island Chapter Changes Logo

ASPE Logo Change and New Brand

Dear ASPE Chapter Officers,

We are excited to announce the implementation of our brand-new ASPE logo! All ASPE members will be receiving the attached press release about the new logo on Wednesday.

Attached are several file formats of your new chapter logo and a guide for logo usage. You may distribute these to the appropriate members in your Chapter who handle your graphic work. Please fully implement use of the new logo within your Chapter by December 31, 2013.

This is a good time to review the ASPE logo usage guidelines while you note how to display the new mark. Please also note that you are not to alter this new logo in any way by changing colors (beyond what has been provided) or adding any other customization. We want to protect the ASPE brand with this new logo, and further alterations will dilute our claims to copyright the mark.

If you need any additional file formats or have questions about usage, please contact me for assistance. Also, if you are no longer a chapter officer, please forward this information to the individual who is now in office.

Rachel Boger

Graphic Designer

847-296-0002 x237

American Society of Plumbing Engineers

6400 Shafer Court, Suite 350

Rosemont, IL 60018

June 19, 2013 - 3rd Annual Golf Outing

3rd Annual Golf Outing Timber Point

We simply could not have had a better day to host the 3rd annual ASPE Long Island golf outing. The weather was perfect, sunny, warm and more than 50 showed up and played at the outing.

Timber Point Golf Course

May 15, 2013 - 2nd Chapter Board Elections