2012 - Year 2

December 19, 2012 - Holiday Monte Carlo Holiday Party

The Long Island Chapter of ASPE presents Monte Carlo Evening

The holiday function was a success with our highest attendance level yet. Our members and several NYC members were in attendence and the dealers were fantastic. There is a good chance we will have the Monte Carl night again. There were prizes for the highest winners.

A special thanks to all Woods & Jaye and all our other sponsors who made the evening special.

Monte Carlo Event Casino Board
ASPE Members enjoying the Monte Carlo Event
ASPE Members enjoying the Monte Carlo Event
ASPE Members enjoying the Monte Carlo Event
ASPE Members enjoying the Monte Carlo Event
ASPE Members enjoying the Monte Carlo Event
ASPE Members enjoying the Monte Carlo Event

October 29, 2012 Superstorm Sandy Impacts the North East

October 29, 2012 - The chapters first delegation attends the Business Meeting, Convention & Exposition in Charlotte North Carolina

The chapters first convention as a chartered entity was hugely successful despite weather extremes back home. The chapter took three (3) awards for merit; Paul Freeman was presented with a Chapter Merit Award and Vinny Falkowski was presented with a Membership Retention Award and a Membership Growth Award.

The Society placed us up front and next to the former Society Presidents table. Shown above from left to right are Vinny Falkowski, Paul Freeman, Ed Hopkins and Jay D'Agostino. The society completed its business very expeditiously given Super-storm Sandy hitting the north east.

The agenda for this convention was filled with society business including by-laws changes, awards and society announcements. The Convention Committee, sponsoring Chapter and the Society did an outstanding job putting this convention together without games; very well done folks, thanks.

The announcement was made that the society logo would be re-branded; open discussions were made available and a variety of delegates debated the new look. I vote was taken for which was the favorite. ASPE's BOD would make the decision in a future board meeting. Most by-law changes were defeated.

Our flights were cancelled early on Saturday during the conference leaving us without transportation home. Ed Hopkins hopped a ride home a day early with Phil Mitzi one our of our members. Paul Freeman, Vinny Falkowski & Jay D'Agostino rented a car and made the long drive home on October 31st. The drive home was strange as there were 100's of large trucks headed to the region to assist with the clean-up. Upon arrival it became evident that the storm had caused severe damage to the Long Island, New York City, and New Jersey regions.

June 20, 2012 - Second Annual Gold Outing